Thursday, 19 June 2014

Molecular Psychology: Potential Energy Graph

Although half of the world doesn't care what happens at the sub-atomic level, neither did I. But some situations led me to meet this book with a foreign red colour named Solomons. I couldn't resist myself from reading a chapter and then I fell into a vicious circle again of connecting Human behaviour with Nuclear Physics.

This is a nightmare for a fully faltu blogger like me who writes on a new topic who no one understands including me. But my hands loose coordination and automatically start writing this stuff. 

So there is this curve called the Potential Energy Curve between the Internuclear Distance when the two atoms are brought close to each other. Which tells us that when the atoms come close to each other then there is an attraction between the nucleus consisting of protons(+ve charge) of one atom with the electrons(-ve charge) of other atom. Doesn't this sound like what happens in the very first Relationship.

We get attracted towards the other person's superficial things, like the electrons in the other atoms surrounded at various energy levels. Now what happens next, obviously we go on a date But what happens at the atomic level in this principle?

Yes, this is exactly what happens, the atoms come close because of the strong attraction despite of a high repulsive force between two nuclei and both atoms start exchanging their unpaired electrons to form a more stable state. Even after quoting such an important scientific principle, I feel like Joey Tribbiani making it sound dirty.

So what next, The obvious? Yes they start thinking of forming a bond, either Covalent or Ionic bond. But there is a catch, If they get too close, I mean the intermolecular distance decreases too much then the nucleus containing the protons start creating a tremendous repulsion force thereby increasing the total energy of the system making it totally unstable.

So in conclusion a proper distance should be maintained in relationships so as to form a proper bond and now I wish I had read this book earlier.

Either I would have been in IIT or at least would have had a successful relationship.


Kristen Brown said...

Excited words written in this blog helped me to improve my aptitudes and helped me to know how I can help myself all alone. I am truly happy to come at this stage. Manly Psychologist

Sanika said...

Fantastic article! It has truly changed my entire life! Thank you, Extrovert Geek!