Friday, 18 April 2014

Facebook Psychology

We all know about the facts that Facebook has become an excellent communication medium and it helped many friends to reunite despite of long distances. But have you ever wondered the principle which fb depends upon and what part of our Brain is leading us to log in again and again, uploading more photos with friends and family thereby increasing the data load on Facebook servers, which they happily welcome.

10 - 15 years ago when the communication mediums were not so subtle, Parents used to tell their Daughters not to even have a .jpeg format of their own photographs. As someone could morph it and malign their family's name. But today we have broken all Psychological Barriers into becoming a more open minded society. These days we click pics only for Facebook and it has become an indispensable part of our lives

As the mixed economy of India boomed, brought in more jobs thereby more money into the pockets; many superstitions were eroded as Westernization started capturing the minds of people. Today every american product and service has become such an integral part of our life that we cannot live without it.

Coming back to Facebook, where we seem to have a lot of friends and a great social life, some people like to portray their absolute happiness and some project their sadness. Everyone uses it according to their needs and personality traits. It is such an open platform that we can choose what to show.

Hence again we get drowned in a Quantified Ocean of likes and dislikes, share and promote totally forgetting the present moment by shifting our psyche entirely into the cyber world.
No wonder George Orwell was right about the Big Brother, but even if Edward Snowden would have not told us about the PRISM project, we all must have volunteered to keep each and everything online making NSO's work done at the footstep itself.

Previously we used to have 30- 40 people in our lives who we really cared about and they reciprocated similarly. But with the evolving e-newspaper of 1000 other friends or acquaintances of ours who we rarely cared about; now we deliberately log in to read what is happening in their lives. Feelings of absolute happiness, sadness, jealousy, greed have been captured online and the posts on Facebook have started controlling our lives.

There are people who come on, log in and see some news about what they like, log out and get back to work and there are some people who log in browse browse and browse, log out and log in again. I have not conducted a survey or peeped into some other balconies to gather this information but even you know this truth as we have been part of each of the two types at some point in our lives.

Facebook seems to have captured this tendency of ours to know "what is going on with other peoples lives". Although nothing seems to be wrong with it, we are totally within the frame of our Constitutional Freedom. But we forgot one most important thing which is "Self Analysis" i.e. the time that some of us used to spend in Analyzing our mistakes and thinking about our future, planning and most importantly dreaming.

This crucial time has been taken from us because of "Bhed Chaal" tendencies to first of all make a Facebook account and then the continuous need to maintain standards of Extrovertness by either writing funny or sarcastic status updates or uploading "had a great time" photographs.

That is why sometimes I feel Twitter is a much better platform, its like cricket match were only 22 players play, but we still have a good time and we also get the to raise our placards.
Don't worry I am not getting paid from Twitter, neither I have any malice against Mark Zukerberg.

The only thing I can suggest you finally is just follow me on twitter @mathuranshuman
No wonder I am smart  ;)


Unknown said...

unlike you many people do not possess a good number of followers to retweet and favourite their tweets and this may be the reason they are more crazy for facebook than twitter

Unknown said...

Yes because now we write to project, wanting to be accepted due to resemblance.

Unknown said...

Yes because now we write to project, wanting to be accepted due to resemblance.

ExtrovertGeek said...

@Nikita- Lucky me then

ExtrovertGeek said...

@Kryptonite- Personally I write to get relieved
Doesn't matter about acceptability or resemblance