Saturday, 8 March 2014

Engineering God

Following someone on Twitter is much easier than to make decisions in life or even follow some ideologies and sticking to it. India having a population of 1,210 million people has 33 million Gods to cater to our spiritual needs. But our market has more products than we actually need. So there is a big problem on which God to choose.

We live in a world of practicality and we need only results. But the concept of God which we have in our mind is so contradicting that there is always an internal fight in our brain about what is Right and what is Wrong. So how do we resolve this conflict ?

We have a very simple answer from a practical point of view

to "Choose Our God Wisely", it may however seem a contracting statement in terms of what we have been taught in our schooling, but at lest we can give it a logical lookout.

We first give preference to our Primary Gods , like our Primary Colours - Brahma, Vishnu, Mahesh.

Lord Brahma (The Creator) - We don't hear much stories about Brahma, nor do we have a lot of temples of him. It Seems he is like a Pioneer of Business who is no more with us. So the next option we have is Lord Vishnu (The Protector), yes we have a lot of stories on Vishnu and his Avatars like Lord Ram, Narsima, Varaha Avatar, but they are far above our standards of mango people and very idealistic, who were sent for a specific purpose on earth and they even fulfilled it successfully. But our problem isn't solved yet.

Following the Ideology of such a high grade God is like making gold ornaments  with 24 carat gold. You definitely need to add some copper to make it a workable metal. These Gods definitely raise the barometer to a high but in todays world it is impossible to be Idealistic.

So we are left with Mahadev popularly known as Lord Shiva, who is however termed as "The Destroyer".

But found Shiva to be a very cool God, he meditates in the himalayas, smokes a joint and express his emotions via dance form called Tandava. He dosen’t have unrealistic body parts like hexa hands, multiple sided faces. He carries a simple weapon called Trishul and wears Rudraksha. In another way he is a fine example of a human personification.

God should not be just a Concept in Mind, but a Reality in Life. The more I read about Shiva, the more I feel connected to him. 
Either I have given too much thought to it which people usually don’t give, or may be I have read too much about him or …May be I am just hallucinating.

So Who Did You Choose ??? 


saurabh bawa said...

Bawaaa......chal liye na tej.... ;-)

ExtrovertGeek said...

Tej chalenge thoda tez chalenge ....